A kitchen knife suitable for the visually impaired

To most, the presence of a cutting guide can help reduce the risk of accidents or injuries by providing a stable surface for the blade to glide along, rather than relying on your hand to guide the knife. It also actively prevents the blade from slipping. Adult people with vision impairment between 1/20 and 4/10 (defined as mild to medium visual acuity reduction by the French Ophthalmology Association) will find the use of the Precision Slicing Knife suited for their condition and helpful to their daily activities in the kitchen. For people with vision loss, the serrated blade makes it safer to determine the location of the cutting edge without visual cues, and the metal guide serves as a reliable measure to achieve consistent thickness regardless of dexterity confidence, warranting both thick or thin constant slicing and greatly reducing risks of inadvertent slippage. The hexagonal screw is easy and safe to handle as the user slides the guide on the rails to the desired thickness even before starting to cut. 

It is simply an easy-to-use and accessible tool that will find itself indispensable in many kitchens, including those of visually handicapped persons. 

Touch feeling for slice thickness
Guillotine à saucisson
Exact vegetable slices
Easy roast cut

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2 Responses

    1. For safety reasons, it is always best to avoid using a right-hand version if your dominant hand is the left one, but it is of course always possible to switch hands if you are extra cautious. People can train themselves into being more ambidextrous when necessity arises. With that said, I would really discourage such practice by vision-impaired people.

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